Compliments and Complaints
How to compliment, enquire, complain or suggest
We want to give you the best care possible. This includes listening to what you have to say about our services. Your views and comments help us improve.
Your feedback is confidential and can be anonymous.
There are different ways you can tell us about your experience:
- Speak with the staff member looking after you, or the manager of the service you are using
- Talk to your Red Lily community engagement officer (who will be available in clinic waiting area every Thursday afternoon)
- Attend a Local Health Advisory Group (LHAG) meeting
- Complete a paper form (available at reception) and drop it in the feedback box (usually in reception area)
- Complete the feedback survey on a Red Lily Tablet (if available)
- Submit your feedback using the compliment and complaint form or
- Contact the Red Lily office on (08) 89799900 or by emailing
If you make a complaint, when will you get a reply?
Confirmation that we have received your complaint will be provided verbally or in writing within 1 business day.
Our aim is to respond to complaints within 30 business days. If your complaint is still being investigated after 30 days and a response is not yet ready, we will provide you with updates every 20 days, so you know how it is progressing.
What will Red Lily Health do with my feedback?
If your feedback is complimenting our staff we will ensure that staff members and managers receive your comments.
If you are complaining about a service we will take it seriously and investigate the circumstances by:
- Assessing severity of the incident or risks
- Assigning the investigation to an appropriate manager
- Manager will investigate and report to the senior management
- All feedback will be considered at the Red Lily Quality & Safety Committee meetings
- Approved recommendations from the Committee will be actioned
- Sending a response with an outcome back to you
If you are making a suggestion, we will ensure that the relevant work unit considers your idea. We may be in touch with you to discuss further if necessary (subject to the availability of contact information).
If you are making an enquiry, we will aim to send you a response within 2 business day.
What happens to your information?
Your feedback will be treated confidentially and stored in our secure computing environment. Only Red Lily authorised staff will have access to your information for the purposes of investigating and responding to your feedback. We can assure you that your feedback will not appear in your medical record.
Red Lily Health is determined to keep improving the way we deliver health services to you. As part of our commitment to Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) feedback will be de-identified and summarised in reports to the Quality & Safety Committee. The Committee is responsible for recognising trends and opportunities for improvements to encourage better practices throughout the Organisation.
Need help with English?
Please talk to a member or staff to get assistance. They will be able to organise an interpreter for you.
What to do if you are not happy with how we handled your complaint?
If you are not happy with how your complaint or question was dealt with please let us know. If you are still unhappy with our response you can lodge a complaint with an external organisation.
The organisation for dealing with health complaints is the Health and Community Services Complaints Commission NT (all services).
The Health and Community Services Complaints Commission (HCSCC) provides assistance to Territorians to resolve complaints about health, disability and aged services and make recommendations to improve these services.
The HCSCC is independent, which means they listen to both the patient and the health service to help fix the situation.
Call 1800 004 474 or go to the Health and Community Services Complaints Commission website.